Sunday, March 16, 2014


Hails NSA Employees and Guests,

With Spring on its way, we know that a lot of you out there in the wild binary yonder have been wondering, “How can I maintain this shell of rage and despair that I’ve painstakingly built up through the long and brutal winter? I've become accustomed to this seasoned fuck-off attitude tempered by grey street snow and freezing wind.”

Don’t worry. We’ve got your back.
Scum Cult is packing up a Keystone XL sized pipe-load of new tunes for you dudes.

The NIGHT RAIDS tape is done! Bandcamp is up. We’ll throw some art up on the site soon, and, when they get back from the factory, you can buy ‘em. Stream it for now:

30 minutes of super-pissed shreddage. Six twisted visions of plutocratic asphyxiation.
Thanks to BJ for engineering and Alex Nagle for mastering.

NIGHT RAIDS will be raiding publicly in the coming months. Look out for their vicious onslaught in your subdivision.

Like a patient archer, WARSHACK has its sights drawn and its arrow ready. Soon it will be warmer and people’s spirits will rise- everyone will start to feel that things aren’t really as bad as they once seemed. At this very moment WARSHACK will release the bowstring and blast its second tape Aphelion from out of the cold shadows: a massive brutal doom quaalude right into the heart of the sun. This will be soon. You’ve been warned.

Scum Cult is also gearing up for our first releases on new imprint Dirt Heritage: shit-kicker country & western, gothic folk, and the dustier elements of the scum spectrum. Some of this shit is going to make you want to call in sick and drink beer in the morning.

Scum Cult’s finest headbanging demons, HEXER, are going on tour! They’ll be playing a string of dates in July with Mutilation Rites and Lychgate and are playing The Gilead Music Festival in Wisconsin. We’ll post more as it gets closer. These shows will be unreal. You will be flayed alive with blackened riffs.
We’ll be back up soon with more. In the meantime blast the new Night Raids and sharpen your pitchforks.

Subcomandante WormVomit
March 17th, Snakes Vanquished

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